Service Rates


Standard Hourly Rates

Bench Estimates - $65.00 Flat Fee

Bench Service Rate - $90.00 Per Hour

Field Service / Estimate Rate $135.00 Per Hour

Field Service Assistant Rate $25.00 Per Hour

Field Round Trip Charge $45.00 Flat Fee

Technical Remote In Support $60.00 Per Hour

Technical Phone Support $60.00 Per Hour

Emergency Hourly Rates

Bench Estimates - $130.00 Flat Fee

Bench Rates -  $180.00 Per Hour

Field Service/Estimate Rate $270.00 Per Hour

Field Service Assistant Rate $50.00 Per Hour

Field Round Trip Charge $90.00 Flat Fee - includes one speeding ticket :)

Technical Remote In Support $120.00 Per Hour

Technical Phone Support $120.00 Per Hour

1. All estimates to be prepaid unless you have an open account.

2. Hourly charges, 1 hour minimum and 1/2 hour increments there after.

3. Trip charges cover round trip travel time within Washington Metro area.

4. Rates do not include replacement parts or loaner gear.

5. Rates do not include and Federal, State or Local taxes (if applicable)

6. Rates are based on Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM  (24/7/365 is available)

Total AV warranties all equipment repairs for a period of 90 days. Parts replaced have a warranty of 1 year except for consumable parts, like lamps, fuses and batteries.
